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Books for changing the world

April 7, 2021 at 4.00pm – 5.30pm

Online Teach-in

Acting As If One Is Already Free

Salvage and Haymarket Books host a conversation on what we can learn about politics, capitalism, and resistance from the late David Graeber.

Online Teach-in


Wednesday, April 7, 11:00 AM ET / 4:00 PM BST

The anarchist theorist and anthropologist David Graeber died last year—far too young—and produced an outpouring of grief across the global Left. Occurring as it did, during the last quarter of a long, bleak year, with few prospects of dramatic improvements ahead, the loss of Graeber’s optimism not only of the will, but of the intellect, was felt as a body blow.

Building on James Meadway’s article in Salvage #9, Annie Olaloku-Teriba and Barnaby Raine will host a conversation between James and Hannah Appel—David Graeber’s longtime friend and collaborator—on the lessons offered to the Left by Graeber’s life and thought.

***Register through Eventbrite to receive a link to the video conference on the day of the event, and to receive email updates about this and other events. This event will also be recorded and have live captioning.***

This will be the first in the new ongoing Salvage Live events series, hosted by Haymarket Books.


James Meadway is an economist and former economic advisor to Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. He is writing a book on the pandemic and capitalism

Hannah Appel is an anthropologist and activist. She teaches at UCLA, organizes with the Debt Collective, and reads, writes, thinks and organizes against capitalism and with its immanent alternatives

Annie Olaloku-Teriba is a writer and podcaster whose research focuses on how neoliberalism has transformed the theory and practice of ‘race.’

Barnaby Raine is writing his PhD at Columbia University on visions of ending capitalism. He teaches at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research


This event is co-sponsored by Haymarket Books and Salvage. While all of our events are freely available, we ask that those who are able make a solidarity donation in support of our important publishing and programming work.
