Books for changing the world

The Struggle For Prison Abolition: From The U.S. to Palestine

A historic multiracial rebellion has exploded and sustained across the U.S. in response to the police lynching of George Floyd and others brutalized and killed at the hands of US police. This uprising has coincided with the escalating colonization and annexation of Palestinian land, supported by the white supremacist Trump administration.

Organizers on the ground in the U.S. and in Palestine are using this moment to demonstrate the ongoing connections between colonization and modern militarized policing, and why in order to combat U.S. racial monopoly capitalism and imperialism, we must abolish policing, and all aspects of settler carceral regimes.

This discussion will bring together activists and scholars to examine movements organizing to dismantle the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) and free political prisoners as part of liberation struggles led by Black people in the U.S. and Palestinian people in occupied Palestine.

Presenters include:

Zaina Alsous, an organizer with the Dream Defenders

Nyle Fort, a minister, activist, and Ph.D. candidate at Princeton University

Derecka Purnell, human rights lawyer, organizer, and writer.

Sandra Tamari, Palestinian organizer based in St. Louis, Missouri and is director of the Adalah Justice Project.

Randa Wahbi, former international advocacy coordinator at Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association in Ramallah.

Co-sponsoring organizations: Jewish Voice for Peace (South Florida and New Orleans chapters), DSA Palestine Working Group, Dream Defenders, Adalah Justice Project, Palestine Legal, and Haymarket Books.
