Books for changing the world

Haymarket Gift Bundles: 5 Books for $55

This year as part of our Holiday Sale, we've put together a selection of ten gift bundles, perfect for all the radical readers on your list!

Each gift bundle includes a curated selection of five books on a given theme, all for $55 or less.

Five indispensable books by writer-activists to help historicize, contextualize, and galvanize the Palestinian liberation struggle. 

Five books by acclaimed abolitionist organizers and thinkers to help sharpen our analysis, ground our strategy, and deepen our commitment to collective liberation, ideally suited for the abolition-curious as well as committed organizers.

Socialism is about much more than any one candidate or campaign—it's about ensuring that all people can live with dignity. These five, accessible books introduce the range and breadth of socialist politics and priorities.

“An Injury to one is an injury to all.” These five books illuminate the history and future of the labor movement.

Five books focused on key figures, organizations, and ideas in the Black radical tradition, and their many indispensable lessons for today. 

Here are five of the remarkable poetry collections Haymarket was honored to publish over the last year; ideal for the radical poetry lover in your life. 

These five books illustrate and analyze the interlocking methods of social control, stigmatization, and oppression that necessitate and inform the fight for reproductive justice for all.

These books explore the US's history (and present) of settler colonialism, cruel border policies, and overt and covert military intervention around the world, as well as anti-imperialist resistance.

Karl Marx was right! Five books to introduce your favorite burgeoning socialist to the Marxist tradition.

For the biography lover on your list! Five books that provide insightful introductions to the lives of inspiring revolutionaries.

Remember: ALL Haymarket Books are 40% Off for the duration of our Holiday Sale.
