Books for changing the world

2021: Haymarket's Year in 10 Books

As another year of staggering crisis and inspiring resistance comes to a close, it's clear that radical solutions are urgently needed and that radical ideas are more popular than they've been in decades. In 2021, Haymarket has continued to amplify radical voices and ideas that make a contribution to analyzing systems of oppression, mapping strategies for liberation, and imagining a fundamentally different world.

These are the ten books that gave powerful voice to our year.

All Haymarket titles, including those on this list, are currently 40% Off as part of our Holiday Sale.

A reflection on prison industrial complex abolition and a vision for collective liberation from organizer and educator Mariame Kaba.

An urgent, global account of the migration crisis and the function of borders across political, social, cultural, and economic systems. 

This updated and expanded edition of Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor's groundbreaking book features a new chapter and a foreword by Angela Y. Davis.

Addressing some of the most pressing social problems of our day, Astra Taylor invites us to imagine how things could be different while never losing sight of the strategic question of how change actually happens.

Activist, teacher, author and icon of the Black Power movement Angela Davis talks Ferguson, Palestine, and prison abolition.

A lively, accessible, and timely guide to Capitalism for those who want to understand and dismantle the world of the 1%.

In the midst of loss and death and suffering, our charge is to figure out what freedom really means—and how we take steps to get there.

This edited volume makes an impassioned and informed case for the central place of Palestine in socialist organizing and of socialism in the struggle to free Palestine.

How We Go Home shares contemporary Indigenous stories in the long and ongoing fight to protect Native land and life.

This easy-to-use guide explains how to recruit, nourish, and fortify writers of color through innovative reading, writing, workshop, critique, and assessment strategies.

All Haymarket titles, including those on this list, are currently 40% Off as part of our Holiday Sale.
