Books for changing the world

Until Liberation: A Series for Palestine

Today, we are confronting a watershed moment in the struggle against colonialism and apartheid. As an internationalist left around the world, we must take a decisive stance in support of Palestinian liberation.

Haymarket Books and partners are organizing an urgent series of online events to provide education in the context of current events. At Haymarket, Palestine has always been at the core of our political and intellectual project, and we believe free and accessible political education is crucial to solidarity efforts.

The situation is dire. As media outlets spread lies and misinformation, politicians and journalists are paving the way for Israel to carry out mass genocide in Gaza. In the West Bank, settlers are armed and carrying out pogroms. The governments of the US, UK and across the Global North are putting in place chilling measures to crack down on solidarity. The Israeli state is killing Palestinians with impunity and Palestinians everywhere are being silenced.

We are entering a new era of the struggle for Palestine and until Palestine is free, none of us are free. Join us for a series of urgent conversations about the history, politics, and stakes of Palestinian liberation.

Until Liberation: A Series for Palestine is organized by Haymarket and cosponsored by Palestinian American Organizations Network, MondoweissSpectreDissentersTempestPalestine Deep DiveThe New Arab, and more. While all of our events are freely available, we ask that those who are able make a solidarity donation in support of our important publishing and programming work. A portion of the proceeds from these events will be donated to Palestine Legal.

Events in the series can also be listened to in audio form on Haymarket’s Apple Podcast feed (or wherever you listen to your podcasts).

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, May 22, 1pm ET

Palestine: Ground Zero of a Liberated World   RSVP

Thursday, May 23, 8pm ET

Break the Bonds: Divest from Israel Bonds, Invest in Freedom   RSVP

Past Events:

Oct 26, 2023

Palestine: “Women and Children” and the Politics of Appeal with Mohammed El-Kurd   WATCH

Nov 1, 2023

Abolition and the Liberation of Palestine with Angela Y. Davis and more   WATCH

Nov 2, 2023

From Ukraine to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime!   WATCH

Nov 6, 2023

Jewish Solidarity with Palestine: A Conversation on Jewish Organizing Against Israel’s Violence   WATCH

Nov 9, 2023

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Building Solidarity with Palestine   WATCH

Nov 14, 2023

A Cause for Every Revolutionary: Palestine and the Global Solidarity Movement   WATCH

Nov 20, 2023

Solidarity Under Siege: Palestine & the Criminalization of Protest   WATCH

Nov 20, 2023

AIPAC and the Israel-US Relationship   WATCH

Nov 27, 2023

#NoTechForApartheid   WATCH

Nov 28, 2023

Rising in Solidarity: Palestine and the Arab Revolution


Dec 12, 2023

Palestine 1492: Settler-Colonialism, Solidarity, & Resistance   WATCH

Dec 13, 2023

Fighting Antisemitism Through the Lens of Collective Liberation   WATCH

Jan 11, 2024

Do No Harm: Medical Apartheid in Palestine   WATCH

Feb 20, 2024

Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba   WATCH

Feb 28, 2024

Teaching Through a Collective Liberation Framework in Our Schools and Communities


Apr 6, 2024

Genocide in Gaza: World Academic Forum for Palestine   WATCH

Apr 23, 2024

A Tribute to Refaat Alareer: The Power of Telling the Story of Gaza   WATCH

May 6, 2024

Stand Up Against McCarthyism: Defend Mohamed Abdou and Palestinian Solidarity   WATCH

For further resources, download three FREE Ebooks about Palestinian history, politics, and solidarity strategy, and check out Free Palestine! A Reading List... 
