Archive of Haymarket Books
Survival Pending Revolution: Historical Materialism in a Pandemic Age
As an alternative to the annual London Conference, the Historical Materialism Editorial Board has curated a small number of panels to maintain conversations and give comrades intellectual nourishment between the 5th and the 15th November.
Text Messages: Creating Worlds with Words ft. Narcy and Lowkey
Independent artists Narcy and Lowkey in a wide-ranging conversation celebrating the release of Narcy’s debut book Text Messages.
Building Abolition Now!: Planting Seeds, Growing Abolitionist Futures
A panel discussion of community members about the work of building abolitionist infrastructures, lessons learned and visions for the future.
The Virus, The Climate, The Alternative: Solutions to Capital’s Crises
Leading ecosocialist authors and activists Andreas Malm and Thea Riofrancos discuss how to stop the climate crisis.
Study and Struggle: Deconstructing Settler Colonialism and Borders
The third in a series of Critical Conversations organized by Study and Struggle discussing prison abolition and immigrant justice.