Announcing the Writing Freedom Fellowship
The Fellowship program provides a one-time, unrestricted grant for writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction affected by the criminal legal system.
Justice Weekend 2023 Reading List
Red Chicago: A Working-Class Power Reading List
In celebration of a win for labor and a defeat for Chicago’s right-wing, monied interests, we’ve put together a reading list of some key books that explore history, politics, and possibilities in our beloved city, as well as titles especially relevant to Chicago organizers and militants looking toward the fights ahead.
Haymarket Books by Black Women, for Liberation
Here we present a reading list of books by Black women who are engaged in the work of history-making, radical imagining, and movement building. All of these books are currently 40% off.
Black History Book Bundle
In the context of ongoing attacks on the freedom to read—in Florida and across the country—it is more important than ever to place the study of Black history and politics at the center of our collective political education. In support of that effort, we’ve put together this book bundle of key titles on Black radicalism.