Books for changing the world

Corinne Goria

Corinne Goria is the Editor of Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy, a collection of oral histories highlighting labor and human rights struggles in the global economy.  Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy was selected as part of The Best American Nonrequired Reading of 2015, and has been featured in Mother JonesThe Huffington PostYes Magazine, and Truthout.  Invisible Hands is taught at colleges and universities across the country.

Corinne Goria is also an Assistant Editor of Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives (McSweeney's 2008), a collection of oral histories from undocumented immigrants in the United States, edited by Peter Orner.  She is the author of, a digital piece exploring family stories from Lebanon. was the subject of the 2012 Associated Writers’ and Publishers’ (AWP) Conference lecture,“Emerging Digital Genres: A Relational Investigation''.  Goria has been a contributor to the Poetry International: Poets without Borders, and contributor to The Silent History, a site-specific novel written and designed for digital interaction.

Corinne Goria practiced immigration law for over a decade in San Francisco and San Diego, and currently teaches International Law and Human Rights at the University of San Diego, and Creative Writing at San Diego State University.  
