A.J. Bauer

A.J. Bauer is a writer and former journalist based in New York. His work has appeared in The Daily Texan (which he used to edit), the Austin American-Statesman, the Texas ObserverThe Patriot Ledger, theBoston Globe, Social Text Periscope and The Guardian. A member of the Writers for the 99% collective, he contributed to Occupying Wall Street: The Inside Story of an Action that Changed America (OR Books, 2011; Haymarket, 2012). He also served on the board of directors of the Student Press Law Center from 2006-2012, and co-founded the Friends of the Daily Texan in 2013.

He is presently a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellow and doctoral candidate in theDepartment of Social & Cultural Analysis at New York University, where he researches contemporary and historical right-wing movements and conservatism in the United States. His dissertation, “Before Fair & Balanced: Conservative Media Activism and the Rise of the New Right,” is a historical study attendant to debates in media studies and American political development.
