Books for changing the world

2023: Haymarket's Year in 10 Books

As this year comes to a close, we join millions across the globe in expressing our horror at the utter and unjustifiable brutality faced by the people of Gaza, as the Israeli government continues its genocidal assault on the besieged strip. We recognize, also, that there are people in so many other places all over the world who have encountered state violence, displacement, and war in 2023. We extend our solidarity to each of them, and to all those who have continued the vital process of organizing for equality, justice, and dignity: wherever they live, work, and find community.

Through another year of defiant, collective resistance, Haymarket has continued to amplify radical voices and ideas that make a contribution to analyzing systems of oppression, mapping strategies for liberation, and imagining a fundamentally different world.

These are ten books published in 2023 that gave powerful voice to our year—plus, a reminder about an indispensable and FREE new ebook.

All Haymarket titles, including those on this list, are currently 40% Off as part of our Holiday Sale.

This new, FREE ebook—a collaboration with Verso Books—collects personal testimonies from within Gaza and the West Bank, along with essays and interviews that collectively provide crucial histories and analyses to help us understand how we got to the nightmarish present. Download and share widely!

What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.

Since its founding as a discipline, Black Studies has been under relentless attack by social and political forces seeking to discredit and neutralize it. Our History Has Always Been Contraband was born out of an urgent need to respond to the latest threats against this vital intellectual tradition.

Not Too Late brings together strong climate voices from around the world to address the political, scientific, social, and emotional dimensions of the most urgent issue human beings have ever faced. Accessible, encouraging, and engaging, it's an invitation to everyone to understand the issue more deeply, participate more boldly, and imagine the future more creatively.

Responding to questions about why and for whom they write, and how they perceive their responsibility to their work, to others, and to society, the featured playwrights, poets, novelists, and essayists provide a window into the connections between their lives and their art.

“To Govern the Globe is a brilliant distillation of 700 years of geopolitics, exposing how we arrived where we are, amidst the worsening climate crisis and collapsing world orders. Al McCoy’s eloquently written book is a call to action for us all, as time still remains to prevent an unprecedented cascade of catastrophes.” —Amy Goodman

“Learned and incisive, ranging easily from broad geopolitical analysis to the details of policy formation, this masterful study of the new cold war of the past thirty years—by the scholar who first identified and studied it—is an indispensable guide to the current global disorder and its ominous portent.” —Noam Chomsky

An eye-opening reckoning with the care economy, from its roots in racial capitalism to its exponential growth as a new site of profit and extraction.

#SayHerName provides an analytical framework for understanding Black women's susceptibility to police brutality and state-sanctioned violence, and it explains how—through black feminist storytelling and ritual—we can effectively mobilize various communities and empower them to advocate for racial justice.

Socialism…Seriously is a warm and witty introduction to the radical traditions of protest and politics that stretch from Karl Marx through today’s movements for democracy, equality, and a livable planet.

A trenchant history of community organizing and a must-read for the next generation of organizers seeking to learn from the successes, failures, and contradictions of the past.

Get all 10 books as a gift for your favorite radical reader, or to reward yourself for getting through another very long year!

All Haymarket titles, including those on this list, are currently 40% Off as part of our Holiday Sale.

If you’re looking for more resources to understand the ungoing horrors in Palestine, please download three more FREE Ebooks, catch up on our virtual event series, Until Liberation: A Series for Palestine, and browse our Free Palestine! Reading List...
