Archive of Haymarket Books
Announcing: Haymarket’s new partnership with Boston Review!
Haymarket Books is glad to announce a new publishing partnership with Boston Review, an independent and nonprofit magazine of ideas and culture.
Announcing: Digressions from The Dig & Haymarket Books
Haymarket and The Dig are launching DIGRESSIONS, a new series that encourages readers and podcast listeners to join virtual study groups alongside Daniel Denvir and one of his guests.
Haymarket Books Fall 2023 Catalog!
Check out Haymarket's Fall/Winter 2023 Catalog, featuring books by authors and editors including Colin Kaepernick, Robin D.G. Kelley, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Angela Y. Davis, Kimberlé Crenshaw, aja monet, Ashley Dawson, Premilla Nadasen, John Washington, Lyle C. May, Cheryl Boyce-Taylor, Michael Löwy, and more.
Stonewall was a Riot: a Pride Month Reading List
A reading list of books about queer and trans politics, history, and liberation. For the month of June, we’re glad to offer 40% Off the Haymarket titles on this list!
FREE EBOOK: Our History Has Always Been Contraband
NOW AVAILABLE: Kaepernick Publishing and Haymarket Books release Our History Has Always Been Contraband: In Defense of Black Studies as a free ebook!