Unfinished Leninism
Holding Fast to an Image of the Past
This Is Not A Test
by José Vilson -
Badass Teachers Unite!
by Mark Naison -
El Caso por Socialismo
by Alan Maass -
In Solidarity
by Kim Moody -
The Battle for Justice in Palestine
by Ali Abunimah -
Black Panthers Speak
Edited by Philip S. Foner -
The Black Power Mixtape
Edited by Göran Olsson -
by Howard Zinn -
Gaza in Crisis
by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé -
Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism
Mayor 1%
They Were Soldiers
by Ann Jones -
Lineages of Revolt
by Adam Hanieh -
I Am Troy Davis
by Troy Davis, Martina Davis-Correia, et al. -
Radical Unionism
Leon Trotsky
by Tariq Ali -
9.5 Theses on Art and Class
by Ben Davis -
Prelude to Revolution
More than an Athlete
by Etan Thomas -
by Kevin Coval -
The Stalinist Legacy
Edited by Tariq Ali