Like a Hammer
Edited by Diana Marie Delgado -
Enemy Feminisms
by Sophie Lewis -
Gezi at Ten
Edited by Ufuk Gürbüzdal, Eren Karaca, et al. -
Perfect Victims
Iran in Revolt
After Accountability
AI Futures
Blood in the Face (revised new edition)
Teach Truth
Crisis and Criticism
Reconstructing Feminism through Cyberfeminism
Edited by Gözde Ersöz, Gökmen Kantar, et al. -
Art and Emancipation
by John Roberts -
A Livable Future is Possible
by Noam Chomsky and C.J. Polychroniou -
Capitalism and Class Power
Edited by Ronald W. Cox -
Cliometrics as Economics Imperialism: Across the Watershed
by Ben Fine -
Feminism and the Early Frankfurt School
Edited by Jeremiah Morelock and Christine A. Payne -
Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism
Edited by Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Frigga Haug, et al. -
I Know What the Red Clay Looks Like
Rethinking Ernst Bloch
Edited by Henk de Berg and Cat Moir -
Writings of Larisa Reisner
Caste, Marginalisation, and Resistance
Dangerous Anarchist Strikers
Daniel Bensaïd
by Darren Roso -
Jews and New Christians in the Making of the Atlantic World in the 16th–17th Centuries